Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Next Step.

Next week are the auditions for “Last Comic Standing”. I’m debating about going down and auditioning. I’m fine with the auditioning part…it’s the standing outside in a line for hours and hours in the freezing cold that is making me have second thoughts. I don’t mind standing and waiting. But, I do mind freezing to death. This past week has been record lows. And I am talking lows. As in well below zero and wind chills hovering around -40. That is chilly and jokes don’t keep you warm. Plus, it’s really hard to perform when all your limbs have turned black and fallen off due to frostbite.

I want to do it though. Not that I think I would make it very far in the competition, because, well…let’s be honest…all the ones that advance are highly professional comedians. They all have had numerous specials on comedy central, they have been on the touring circuit for years, and they are pretty far along in their careers. They are hardly being discovered as “new and up and coming” as the show would have you believe. But, I do think it would be a great experience and offer some new insight into the business. Plus, knowing how my life works…I would probably get a few killer stories out of it. Something to think about. Always thinking.

Tonight I watched “The Biggest Loser”. I love that show. It makes me think that there is hope yet if you are overweight (which I am). I get so fired up for that show. I want to meet Bob and Jillian. I want to be friends with Bob and Jillian. I “heart” Bob and Jillian.

Tomorrow I might step on the scale. I took it out of the box tonight and put it in the bathroom. I hear it taunting me. “Come and step on me Jason….you know you want to…just do it….it won’t hurt…trust me, Jason”. But, I know it’s going to be gruesome and if I do it before bed, I won’t sleep at all. Tomorrow morning…maybe.

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