Thursday, August 23, 2007

Seeing Red.

Well…today I am still crabby. I need a mood overhaul big time. I feel like I have started a downward spiral into crazy. Being sick, the constant rain, and the craziness at work all add up to a very mentally unstable Jason.

As of this afternoon, I have now started antibiotics. My brother-in-law who is a doctor figures that it is, in fact, pneumonia. I didn’t think I was going to survive last night, I coughed up many internal organs. So hopefully this will take care of things once and for all. After all, it’s only been going on for six weeks now.

I went to Target over my lunch hour to get my medication only to be told I was at the wrong Target. Whatever. So back in the rain to try a different store. After I get to the right store I am greeted with a herd of apathetic employees. After standing there for a few minutes before someone wandered over to help me, I had to wait even longer for my prescription to be double checked. I thought I was going to explode. Tick, tick, boom. I looked at him and in a controlled but snarky voice (I do it well) said “well, maybe one of the 9 people standing back there behind the counter could do it, or at least pretend to do it while they are talking about the state fair this coming weekend.” Then after a few more awkward glances between the employees and myself, I was handed my pills and on my way.

I just don’t get it. I am standing there. I am only about 200 pounds overweight. I am not invisible. At least be smart and pretend to be helping me. Don’t stand there like a bunch of morons staring off into space.

Tonight is the Hilary Duff concert. I am totally bumped to have to miss it because of my improv class. Originally we weren’t going to have class tonight, but now we are. Dammit. I love the Duffster. I do. I have her song “Wake Up” on my phone and I still cannot get enough of it. I even have used it in my stand up act. But, truth be told if I went to the concert I would just end up looking like one of the guys from “Dateline: To Catch A Predator”. As a 33 year old man, I would feel a little out of place in an arena filled with pre-teen girls. I suppose I could have used Isabella as a cover, but I already used her as the excuse when I bought the CD. If you haven’t heard about that just look back in the archives for that posting. It’s crazy but true.

Oh Hilary…I guess I will just wait for the DVD.

But, I did hear today that “Ugly Betty” is planning a musical episode. How freakin’ cool is that? I cannot wait. Almost sounds too good to be true, if you ask me. Get the DVD of season 1 if you haven’t seen it. Completely worth it.

Time to head home to knock back a bottle of cough syrup before class. I have no idea how I am going to sing tonight in class. For the love of God…what would Hilary Duff do?

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