Thursday, February 21, 2008

See You Again

Well, I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later.

I was listening to the radio at work and I heard this song that had a kick ass retro 80’s feel to it. The opening kind of sounded like “I Wear My Sunglasses At Night” or something along those lines. I love all things from the 80’s, so this song caught my ear immediately. I don’t normally listen to our Top 40 station because, well, I get tired of the rap / hip hop pretty quickly. So I call upstairs to the DJ and I ask him what song he’s playing. He tells me it’s “See You Again” by Miley Cyrus. WTF? Immediately I felt dirty for going ape shit over a song from a 15 year old kid. Creepy. I immediately had flashbacks to buying Hilary Duff’s greatest hits CD and the cashier giving me shit. Whatever.

Apparently 33 year olds and 4 year olds love Miley equally. Isabella is crazy for the song as well. My sister was driving and they played the song on the radio. After it was over Isabella wanted to hear it again. Melissa had to explain it to her that it wasn’t a CD and that it was the car. Isabella responded with “I hate this car.” And then a few seconds later added “It’s stupid and it’s ugly.” Well there it is.

Now, I have a love-hate relationship with Miley. It used to just be hate…until I heard this song. Isabella goes crazy for Hanna Montana and since she is a super fan I have seen more episodes of that show than I want to ever admit. And when her concert movie was going to be released I did a humorous commentary on it for our country music station. Each week I do a “From The Trailer” review based only on a movie’s trailer. Well, for the Miley Cyrus one they were a little skittish about some of the jokes so I had to keep redoing it over and over and eventually it was all edited down to pretty much nothing.

Here are the unedited bits from that trailer review….

I’m actually really excited to see this movie. I can’t wait to see how they take someone who is so one dimensional and make them 3-D. There’s hope for Paris Hilton yet.

I do understand what she is going through. I too lead a double life. Receptionist by day, American Gladiator by night. But that all came to a screeching halt when I got my schedule mixed up and came to work in my spandex warrior outfit and tackled Muss when he tried to get some extra office supplies. Oh yeah…I brought the pain. No doubt about that. One word “GAUNTLET”, can you hear me Muss?

Tickets went for up to $2,500 for her concert. Heck, for $2,500 I’ll put on a wig and dress and jump around stage. Actually, who am I kidding…I’d probably do it for a bag of skittles. Hey we all have a price, I’m just really cheap.

Now, I’m not one to gossip but there were some interesting photos that surfaced on Perez Hilton’s website of Miley. I just hope that someone puts the kibosh on such behavior before the train pulls into Britney ville. Toot Toot, All aboard! Next stop rehab with continuing service to washed up career!

Poor Miley came under fire for using a body double in her concert. I would give my right arm for a body double. How awesome would that be? I’d send my body double to the dentist, or to family reunions, or make him sit through the “Miley Cyrus and Hanna Montana: Best of Both Worlds” concert film.

Billy Ray Cyrus had to audition for the role of her father on her hit TV show. He beat out such former stars including David Hasselhoff, Tom Selleck and Gary Coleman. But, almost lost the role to Alf whom producers felt had more believable father / daughter chemistry with Hanna. Fortunately for Billy Ray she had a no puppet clause in her contract.

They were worried that people would be offended and hate me. Can you imagine? Of all the things in my life that I have done and said…it’d be me bagging on Miley Cyrus that would cause my possible downfall. Hell…that is a sign of a messed up world.


I downloaded the song from iTunes. Sick I know. But, it’s a good song, I’m sorry to admit.

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