Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hungry Like The Wolf - Meeting Simon LeBon

Simon LeBon of Duran Duran and Me! International Rock Stars!

It’s not every day that you meet an international rock star that ruled the airwaves while you were growing up. Today I met Simon LeBon from Duran Duran. In the 80’s I was a massive Duran Duran fan. Their poster’s lined the walls of our basement TV room. In the 90’s they returned to my CD player with “The Wedding Album” featuring two of my favorite songs of all time “Ordinary World” and “Come Undone”. The greatest hits album is a classic, filled with hit songs. Much of my life has been spent with Duran Duran as the soundtrack.

I was told yesterday that Simon was making an appearance at Cities97 today. I went home and rounded up my Duran Duran CD’s and tried to figure out which one to have him autograph if I got the chance. I decided to go with “Red Carpet Massacre” their latest release.

Simon was supposed to arrive around 4:30ish, so I was shocked to see him standing in the lobby when I returned from my break at 3:45. He was about an hour early. There were a few minutes of silence as he patiently sat reading a book in the waiting room next to my desk. After about two minutes I couldn’t take it anymore and I started to talk to him. I said “Hello Simon, how are you today?” and he poked his head out from around the corner and said he was fine and asked how I was. Then he went back to reading. Well…since I think everyone is my best friend, I started talking some more and asking him tons of questions about the album and the band and upcoming plans. Eventually he just gave up on the book and came and stood at my desk so we could talk easier.

Then I told him that I really enjoyed the new album and said “Wow, what are the odds of this. I just happen to have “Red Carpet Massacre” right here. Would you sign it?” as I pulled the CD from under the counter. Simon laughed and said “Yeah, what ARE the odds of that? Sure. What’s your name?” and I told him my name and we talked some more. He signed my CD by writing “For Jason, Cheers, Simon LeBon” and he added a smiley face. HILARIOUS! I asked him if they are planning on touring and he said they are starting in May in Oz and then hitting North America over the summer. I looked at him and said “I hope Minnesota is on your map” and he said it was.

After a little while longer AJ came down to take Simon up to the studios. As he was getting into the elevator he looked back, waved, and said “Ciao, Jason”.

When Mark, the record label rep, arrived I told him that I wanted to get a picture taken with Simon. He said sure and for me to just come up and take it when I have a minute. So I called Sarah to cover the front desk and headed upstairs. Once upstairs I found Simon and Mark and our music director hanging out in the break room. As I walked in Simon looked at me and said hi and I responded with “Hi Simon, I’m back!” So Mark told him that I wanted a picture and Simon said sure and then suggested that we take it in front of the vending machines. So we are getting ready for the picture and Simon says that we should put our arms out in front of us. I thought it was funny so I did it. It’s a freakin’ classic picture. I love it. Then Mark said we need to do a regular one. So we took it and I looked like a complete idiot. So I said to Simon “Ummm, Simon, we need to take a new one. I look like I’m being electrocuted.” Simon looked at it and said “Bloody hell. I look fuckin fantastic in that picture. Just Photoshop it” I looked at him and said “Yeah, see Simon….this really isn’t about you. This is about me. It’s not every day that I meet an international…” Simon cuts me off and said “Careful now…rock star?” I laughed and said “Yes, rock star.” So we retake the picture and he asked if I was ok with it. I was. I told him that he will be my new screen saver on my computer. He laughed. I said “Well not everyone gets that honor. Right now it’s Dolly Parton.” He just looked at me and said “Ooooo…she’s a good one.” I laughed and said “I know.” And then I said goodbye and headed back downstairs.

Later when he was being interviewed by Brian Oake on Cities97 the tour was brought up and Simon said “And Minnesota is on our map”. Hello? Almost word for word with what I said to him earlier! Clearly I do have great influence on international rock stars. Awesome.


Anonymous said...

Just had to say, its not Chow rather Ciao. Still love ya!

JasonSchommer said...

Oh hell! Thanks! I'll fix it. Stupid brain glitch. Thanks. That's what happens when you blog when you are tired. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Damn, he's aged well. He looks as good (maybe better) than the "Hungry Like the Wolf" days...

becca jo said...

who knows? he might have said, chow! as in, let's get a bite to eat together, in say, Zurich?

Robyn said...

That is freaking fabulous! And the pic is GREAT! Typical Simon..wanting you to keep the pic in which HE looks the best! LOL!
xoxo ROBYN xoxo