Thursday, November 08, 2007

Rage and Tori

Yesterday certainly turned out to be an interesting day overall.

I ended up getting a prescription for my laryngitis. I was put on steroids which will hopefully restore my voice in some capacity. Which makes me want to do back flips! After completely losing my voice and not being able to speak at all I have a whole new appreciation for Ariel the Little Mermaid and what she went through. It’s a massive pain in the ass.

So I am now taking the same steroids that I took this summer when I was so sick after the cruise. You remember, right? The ones that make me freakin’ hungry as hell and a little bit crazy. Awesome. At least I know what I am in for this time around. Let the pill popping begin!

Now when I went to get the prescription at Target Pharmacy there was a show down of epic proportions. I went to pick it up and I was told that the prescription wasn’t in the system and they had no record of it. This happened the last time I went to get my other medication and it turned out that no one had ever bothered to check the doctor call in phone line. So I went apeshit. Completely and totally apeshit on the pharmacy department. I looked at the workers and I yelled “I may not be able to talk, but you will hear me…so help me God” and away I went on the express train to Crazyville. They just stood there like deer in the headlights and I ranted and raved like a freakin’ lunatic. I thought they were going to call security to remove me from the store. I was unhinged to say the least.

So after the debacle at Target I headed over to St. Paul to pick up Becca for the Tori Amos concert. It was Becca’s birthday. Happy Birthday Becca!

The opening act blew chunks. I thought he was terrible. HORRIBLE. His name was Yakov or Crack Smoker or Complete Waste Of Time or something along those lines. Did I mention I hated him? I do. I think he is everything that is wrong with music today. No lie.

Tori was fantastic though. She had a really interesting song list for the show. She pulled out some pretty odd choices, but it was good. It’s fun to hear songs sometimes that you never thought you would hear in concert. But, I was very disappointed to not hear “Bouncing Off Clouds”…I love that song and she’s been playing it at almost all the shows so far. DAMMIT! But, it was awesome to hear “Hey Jupiter”. I have loved that song since the first time I heard it years and years ago.

Tori’s scenic design was AMAZING. It was so visually stunning that she could have played “SexyBack” on the pan flute and it would have been art. She had these scrims hanging that changed colors and designs with the lights. Whoever did the scenic design for this tour needs to win a huge award now. It was truly beautiful to look at.

What a weird Wednesday overall. When you wake up in the morning you never quite know what is in store for you, do you?

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