Wednesday, November 07, 2007

from a scream to a whisper to silence

Dolly Parton in the K102 Studio during a commerical break.

Ok, I thought my voice was bad yesterday and I doubted that it could get worse. I was wrong. It is completely gone now. I can pretty much only squeak and grunt. Awesome. Not much different though than a typical Saturday night…only I’m not laying in a dark alley surrounded by beer bottles wondering where my pants are. I joke. I always know where my pants are. They are usually on the dumpster where I left them. Anyways…

I called out sick at work. There is no way I can sit at the front desk and answer the phone. On the phone I could hardly tell my boss that I can’t talk. All he kept saying what “what?” “What?” So I said forget it and that I would just email him.

It’s been a pretty low key day so far. Just laying on the couch and not talking to anyone. I watched “Days of our Lives” for the first time in months. Well, not much has changed in Salem. Just the same old people sleeping with different people and betraying the people they were sleeping with when I saw it months ago. Just like real life, huh?

Anyways…nothing new to report. I am going to go take a nap. Tonight is the Tori Amos concert and come hell or high water I am going. I won’t be cheering or yelling. I will just be sitting there quietly…well, I will clap loudly I guess.

I “heart” Tori.

By the way…great Dolly picture huh? I took it myself. A little behind the scenes glimpse into “The Dolly Experience 2007”. Awesome.

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