Friday, September 14, 2007

Buck Up Cowboy

Tonight I have another show. I am dead tired. I think these pills are making me sleepy…either that or I am slowly being poisoned by the office temp’s obnoxious perfume. Good Lord does it stink. She has to do front desk coverage and it is a bitter bill to swallow. I used the phone and it reeked of her. I started to gag as I was transferring the call. Gruesome. All day long people are coming by and just glaring at me like I am the one who is spraying it all over my body. I just wish they would fill that flippin’ position so I could breathe freely in the office. And, just so you know that I’m not being overly negative or anything…a lot of people are freaking out about it. I am not alone on this one.

But, anyways…either way…pills or being gassed out…I am so ^%@#$*% tired. I have no idea how I am gonna get through the show. If I start losing it on stage, I’ll just blame the pills. If my speech gets all slurry and I am standing over in the corner having an emotional breakdown and calling myself “a gift”, someone please just black out the lights. I don’t want to be known as the Paula Abdul of Minneapolis.

Tomorrow I am going up to see Isabella. I talked to her on the phone on Wednesday night and she was sad that she hasn’t seen me in a few weeks and wanted me to come see her right away. So tomorrow I will be out of town and then Sunday when I get back I need to pack and get ready to move. It is going to be a busy few weeks. But, it will be good.

Come and see the show….just do it.

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