Monday, August 27, 2007


So today on CNN they showed the press conference with Michael Vick. You all know the deal…dog fighting, dog betting, and dog killing. All around great guy, right? Awesome role model for America’s youth. He is the worst possible combination…trash with money. In the press conference Vick said that through this situation he has found Jesus. Really? Really? Really…because you got busted for your heinous behavior we are supposed to believe that you’re a good guy after all since you found Christ shortly after pleading guilty. Give me a break. How predictable is that? It just makes me crazy. Had you not been busted you would still be at home drowning and hanging your dogs, not sitting in church. Agh.

I look over at my co-worker (he’s a born again Christian – not judging, just a fact), who was watching the press conference with me, and he shakes his head in affirmation and says “good…good for him”. For crying out loud! It’s about as sincere as Paris Hilton reading the bible when she was in jail. Or when Jeffrey Dahmer found Jesus in prison after killing and eating numerous men. Everyone finds Jesus in jail. Wait…I don’t think Tanya Harding found Jesus after she had Nancy clubbed. At least she stuck to her guns and didn’t play the born-again card. She has my respect to some degree for that.

I just looked over at him and in a very serious tone said…

“Yeah, I understand where he’s coming from. Once after a really bad phone call here at the front desk in which I got into an argument, I just looked at the phone and asked for forgiveness. I found Jesus after I yelled and hung up on that caller. Now, I just look at the phone when it rings and I whisper “Jesus take the switchboard” before I answer it.”

He looked at me as though he was trying to figure out how to set me on fire.

I think I need to change the channel. No more CNN at work. It brings out the worst in me.

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