Friday, August 03, 2007

Day 9 – New York City. Saturday, July 14th, 2007.

I fell asleep for a little while only to be woken up by a loud overhead announcement saying that it was time to disembark the ship. WTF? I could not believe it. It was like a freakin’ nightmare. I just wanted to sleep. Not to mention the fact that I was still flipping drunk. No real warning, no nothing. Just a quick everyone…get off the ship. We completely missed sailing back into New York City, missed docking and everything. After a few frantic minutes of scrambling and being yelled at by Tyler, we were walking down the ramp off the ship for the last time. I just kept thinking to myself “please God, don’t let me puke.” The heat was terrible and the humidity was worse. The city smelled nasty. I just wanted to fall over and die. It was horrendous. As we were just about to exit the terminal we crossed paths with Alec Mapa and it was nice to be able to say goodbye. He’s a great guy and I look forward to seeing him on “Ugly Betty” this fall (tune in everyone!). The roar of the city made me cringe. New York City is last place on Earth that you want to be when you are hung-over.

Tyler and Becca went to get “Wicked” tickets and I crashed in the lobby of the hotel. And by crashed, I mean passed out. It was terrible. I just remember waking up later on and seeing Becca and Tyler sitting by me talking. Hummm. The took a photo of it. Great friends, huh?

So they went to “Wicked” because Tyler won the ticket lottery and they only sell pairs of tickets. I had already seen the show, so I had no problem skipping it and crashing in the hotel room. I was not only a weird combination of drunk and hung-over, but I was also nauseous beyond explanation. I kept feeling like I was going to tip over and that the floor was rocking. I had zero problems on the ship, but now that I was back on dry land I was screwed. I found myself constantly rocking when I would sit, while walking down the hall I would crash into the wall, and when standing still I would need to grab on to something solid to keep upright. It was the craziest sensation ever. I suppose that it was what people with vertigo must feel like. It was nasty. I feel bad now for laughing when Kristin would have her vertigo episodes and need to cling to the office furniture because she was going down for the count. Not so funny anymore. To all you people courageously living with vertigo…I feel your pain…grab on and hold tight!

Now for dinner I was a little crabby, I will admit. We kept debating on where to eat. Becca and Tyler are two of the most indecisive people in the world. Sometimes I get tired of always running the show, so I flat out refused to offer any suggestions. We ended up going to some Thai food restaurant for dinner. I just had a bowl of plain white rice. One reason being that I was still sick beyond description and the second being that I hate Thai food. Me hating Thai food is clearly a concept that is still lost on my friends after 17 and 11 years of friendship. I sometimes really do wonder if any of my friends truly know me at all. Now, I could have said no way. I understand that. But, I was so annoyed for them even suggesting it that I took a passive-aggressive route. So I sat through dinner in stony silence and tried to keep from throwing up and going ballistic on my friends. I just get so tired of having to go over the same things with people over and over and over. I have not had chicken since 1990 when we had to discrete chicken wings in science class. Completely and totally gross. Ruined chicken for me for the rest of my life. I have not had chicken in 17 years. I don’t make an issue of it at meals. I just pass on the chicken when it makes it’s way around the table. My dad is still shocked every time I don’t take chicken and asks me when did I stop eating it. 17 years ago, Dad…17 years ago. So the fact that we are at a Thai food restaurant to begin with just made me bonkers.

On the way back to the hotel I said that I wanted to pack up all my stuff but Becca said she wanted to do some shopping and walk around a little bit. I prefer New York City at night. It’s a lot cooler and more fun. So we parted ways and did our own thing. Tyler went with Becca which I was happy about. Once they got back to the hotel I bailed and hit the city on my own. After 9 days I finally hit my breaking point. I didn’t want to talk to them anymore. I didn’t want to look at them anymore. I didn’t want to hear them anymore. I just wanted to be left alone. 8 days just fine with no real problems. 9 days turned out to be one day too many. So I walked up and down the streets, did some shopping, found some new cd’s, and went to Carnegie Deli. Carnegie Deli was one of my mom’s favorite spots in New York City. I think she loved their cheesecake more than she loved me. Seriously. I have this great picture of her from when she went to see my sister and they went to Carnegie Deli. I never got the chance to go there with her (my sister took the picture, not me). Sometimes people are gone before you get the chance to do or say everything you want to. I didn’t anticipate getting upset by being at Carnegie Deli, but I was wrong and it caught me off guard. I miss my mom a great deal and I now fully understand that, unfortunately, it’s a wound that will never heal. I just sat there, ate my sandwich and giant slice of cheesecake and then walked back to the hotel.

At the hotel I was in no mood to talk. I had hoped that they would have been sleeping, but they were watching a movie. So I just quickly showered and went to bed. I was more than ready to be home at that point. It’s been a great trip and I wouldn’t trade a second of it, but once I stepped off the boat, I just wanted to be home.

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