Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 3 – At Sea. Sunday, July 8th, 2007.

Woke up tired as hell. Another sleepless night for me. Sharing a cabin with the World Snoring Champs is proving to be interesting. Hour after hour, looking at the ceiling, hour after hour after hour.

It’s a day at sea. Pretty low-key, which is nice. Just wandering around the ship, eating, watching tv, and eating,. Two shows I am dying to see take place today…Sandra Bernhard’s comedy show and Seth’s Chatterbox starring Andrea McArdle.

Becca decided to take a nap and skip out of Chatterbox. Big mistake. The show was a riot. Andrea recounted all the times she was wrote up by Equity over stunts she pulled over the years as a Broadway star. My personal favorite was her story of the time she had a huge one pound bag of M&M’s in her costume pocket and forgot about it during her overly dramatic death scene in “Les Miz”. When it came time for her to “die” she wedged her foot into the barricade and then threw herself backwards and hung upside down. Next thing she knew M&M’s started to rain down the barricade and roll into the orchestra pit. I would have paid serious money to see that. I’m talking big buck$. Andrea was quite charming and defiantly holds a place in Broadway history. Becca had an interesting exchange with her on the last night of the trip…but more on that later.

Sandra Bernhard is one of my all time favorites. She is incredible. Her wit and humor is unmatched. Once it went dark Sandra came down the aisle from the back of the theatre singing “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going” and did a fantastic job. Sandra and I have that in common. Neither one of us is afraid of letting loose our inner black woman. Once she was down the aisle she picked a guy and did a hilarious rant on how she never expected to see him there and how he did her wrong and that she is willing to forgive him. Sandra then looked at the guy he was with and started singing the Brandy and Monica anthem “The Boy Is Mine”. Priceless. The audience was in hysterics. I was gutted when the show was over. It could have gone on for hours and I would have been thrilled. “I want my Porgy money!”

The rest of the night was filled with food, drinks, food, wandering around some more, and food.

Once again back in the cabin…another sleepless night awaits.

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