Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Adventure Begins...

4 AM tomorrow morning the adventure begins. Camping…sort of….in the Boundary Waters. For years I had wanted to go camping. Yes, strange if you know me, trust me. Part of my sick Survivor fantasy I guess. I think I can handle the wilderness. I just don’t want to eat bugs. Is that so wrong? So we will see if I am as tough as I think or simply delusional on a very grand scale. Anyways, this year is it actually happening, hard to believe. Tyler, Bob and I…in a cabin on some lake at least 5 hours from here. It will be nice to be away from everything. A much needed break.

I have spent the majority of the week “training” for the trip by screaming loudly and running as fast as I can to prepare for any encounters I may have with a bear. I have also mastered the “dead possum” move by lying on the ground and pretending to be dead incase a bear catches me. And, most importantly, I have made peace with my maker and repented for all my sins (only took a few moments…I don’t sin often) incase I am caught by a VERY smart bear who does not fall for the “dead possum” trick. I hope to God the bears are dumb up there. I really do.

In a strange moment this evening as I was packing, I was thinking back to the only time I have ever been to Ely before. It was this weekend, I believe, with my mom and the rest of the family. My mom had been there before for the blueberry festival and wanted to go back. She loved Ely. She said it reminded her of the TV show Northern Exposure. After the trip a year ago now, I would agree. It is like the TV show.

I never thought I would go back to Ely. Especially after my mom died. But I am going back; it will be nice to be in a place that she loved.

Ely or bust. Here we come.

1 comment:

A Flowered Purse said...

Oh Lord Jason, be safe and don't eat any bugs!