Thursday, June 02, 2005

sounds like...

The noise in my mind is back and louder than ever. Constant. Relentless. Ferocious. Noise. No words. No thoughts. No nothing. Just noise. It sounds like when you turn on a TV and there is no cable…just that white, static, fuzz noise. It is so loud and unexpected that you panic.

Welcome to my mind.

I did not write yesterday because I could not really think. I tried but the noise was too loud. Same as today. Even now, at this hour…the house is quiet…dead quiet and I can’t think. Static noise louder than ever.

It won’t stop.

Signal scrambled.

It is like the roar of the crowd of millions. It is like the sound of a freight train in a tunnel. It is like the screech of nails on a chalkboard. It is the sound of hearing someone you love die.

It is a sound you never forget.

Sounds like...hell.


1 comment:

lightfeather said...

Oh Jason. I have come to check in on you. It has been days, yet it feels like weeks since I have checked in. Sweet Jason, on Tuesday I learned that my mother is dying. I know your pain. I know your heart. Today, I will ask that the angels comfort both of us under the loving care of their feathery wings as we become strong in love to continue with our lessons.

((((((Jason)))))) Gentle hugs. I know that there is peace to be found in this situation. We simply need to ask.